
Trade union on the sale of the Oslo route: Regrettable but good that the employees are secured

The trade union, however, notes that employees are guaranteed the same conditions in their new positions at Gotlandsbolaget as they had with DFDS

The news of DFDS' sale of the Oslo route to the Swedish company Gotlandsbolaget has led to a busy time for Metal Maritime, which is the largest union at DFDS, representing all shipboard positions except for marine engineers, electricians, and stewards.

Today at 11 AM, the union participated in an information meeting with the employees aboard the 'Pearl Seaways,' where representatives from both DFDS and Gotlandsbolaget were also present.

- It is with regret that I received the information that DFDS will no longer operate on the Oslo route. Having said that, I understand the considerations underlying DFDS' decision, wrote Ole Philipsen, Chairman of Metal Maritime, in a comment on the news.

He points out that DFDS has operated the Oslo route for over 158 years but has now chosen to focus more on logistics and less on pure passenger ship operations.

Keeping jobs and employment conditions 

Gotlandsbolaget will acquire the route and its two ships, 'Pearl Seaways' and 'Crown Seaways', in November of this year, with the 675 seafarers retaining their current employment conditions.

- We are pleased that we have been able to ensure that employees on the Oslo route will keep their jobs and employment conditions under the new owner. We have a strong and trustful relationship with DFDS, and we are confident that this will continue with Gotlandsbolaget, states Ole Phillipsen.

The buyer, Gotlandsbolaget, is a Swedish shipping company focusing on passenger ship operations and experience tourism.

- We expect the new owner to further develop the Oslo route and add new tonnage, which will secure jobs for Danish seafarers in the future, Ole Phillipsen comments.

In addition to today's member meeting on 'Pearl Seaways', Metal Maritime has scheduled member meetings on board 'Crown Seaways' tomorrow while the ship is in port, and meetings with the union representatives from both ships.

In 10-12 days, after a crew change, the union will again hold member meetings on board both 'Pearl Seaways' and 'Crown Seaways', informs Metal Maritime.

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