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Many job opportunities ashore for ship officers

The job market for navigators and chief engineers, both broadly and specifically in Denmark, is presently thriving. MARPRO, the maritime recruitment firm, is experiencing a significant surge in demand for candidates skilled in navigation and marine engineering. This demand extends beyond traditional positions at sea to onshore positions, where individuals with a robust professional foundation in navigation and marine engineering, combined with strong administrative and managerial skills, are in high demand.


Those navigators and chief engineers with extroverted personalities and a flair for business, also have noteworthy prospects in sales. Numerous maritime suppliers are seeking sales professionals with a navigation and marine engineering background.

Every day, the company supports navigators and chief engineers in determining the course of their careers after concluding their seafaring endeavors. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant number of ship officers expressed a desire to transition to onshore roles, driven by their families’ fatigue with unpredictable travel conditions and prolonged deployments.

At present, MARPRO employs 5 navigators, showcasing a great example of how one’s skills can be repurposed beyond their initial intent. The company consistently interacts with clients, actively examining the feasibility of incorporating navigators and chief engineers into their future workforce. Given their in-depth knowledge of education and training, these professionals are aware of their robust technical expertise and the substantial impact they bring to the daily operations of the maritime industry.

Within the Shipping domain, as indicated by MARPRO, particularly in the sector trained at CBS (Copenhagen Business School), navigators have effectively assumed roles like Operator, Charterer, or Ship’s Agent. Additionally, there is a considerable demand for employees in the diverse digital solutions within the maritime sector.

Looking ahead, there’s an expectation that the demand will persist and likely grow. The talent pool is gradually shrinking, with younger individuals often unprepared for an offline lifestyle, and consistent broadband access is yet to become the standard at sea. Additionally, the educational landscape has evolved, becoming more academically oriented and demanding a certain level of education for program completion. Lastly, the AB´s training and job prospects have dwindled compared to the past, where many ABs were inspired to pursue further education over time.

MARPRO is optimistic that the recent internship initiative introduced by the Danish Shipowners’ Association can reverse this trend. However, it’s not enough to educate the youth – Danish shipping companies must also be open to hiring them as seasoned ABs and providing suitable conditions onboard.

Although it may not have been the original objective, MARPRO observes that education as a navigator or chief engineer, combined with substantial sea time, has become a pathway leading to numerous onshore job opportunities within the maritime industry.

If you are a navigator or chief engineer intrigued by onshore job opportunities, reach out to MARPRO at +45 5370 0995 or through their website: https://marpro-recruitment.com/candidates/.

The company also offers free registration in their CV database, allowing you to specify your job preferences and receive relevant job opportunities regularly. Connect with MARPRO.





Klostermosevej 140
3000 Helsingør
Helsingør Kommune
CVR nummer: DK38649655


Narjiss Ghajour
Gloval Event & Marketing Manager

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