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Brexit: Turning challenges into opportunities

In January and February, Brexit proved to be as difficult as feared for DFDS. But in March things were in a much better place.

From day one of Brexit, it became clear that the transition was not going to be a walk in the park. Trading between the UK and the EU immediately slowed down significantly. The consequences of the Brexit deal made just before Christmas created havoc. Eddie Green, Head of Cold Chain in DFDS, recalls:

“Looking back, the start to the year was chaotic as some customers were not fully prepared to deal with all the new rules and processes. We faced issues with IT systems interfacing with the authorities’ systems. And the demand for help from customers to deal with customs paperwork was far greater than anticipated. I’m happy to say that most issues have now been resolved.”

More employees were trained to help with the transition. This included a lot of manual work as it took weeks before systems started to perform better. 

In order to stay ahead of the recent BREXIT developments, DFDS needs a person to perform the export and import declarations for the Logistics division. On behalf of DFDS, MARPRO is looking for an experienced freight forwarder with customs experience. 

It is an urgent requirement, and we will invite candidates on a running basis and take the job ad down, when the position is closed. If interested, please upload your motivated application and CV, by clicking HERE. 

Marpro ApS
Klostermosevej 140
3000 Helsingør
Helsingør Kommune
CVR nummer: DK38649655
P nummer: 1022453587


Narjiss Ghajour
Marketing Manager

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