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The cost of corruption at sea

Have you heard about MACN and how they fight corruption in the maritime industry?


The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) is a global non-for-profit business network working towards the vision of a maritime industry free of corruption that enables fair trade to the benefit of society at large. Established in 2011 by a small group of committed maritime companies, MACN has grown to include over 150 companies globally, and has become one of the pre-eminent examples of Collective Action to tackle corruption.

MACN collaborates with key stakeholders, including business, governments, civil society, and international organizations to identify and mitigate the root causes of corruption in the maritime sector. To meet this objective, MACN implements Collective Action projects at port level that address both the supply and demand side of corruption.

Several stakeholders, including the UN, OECD, DANIDA, Siemens Integrity initiative, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Transparency International, corporate foundations and government agencies have recognized and financially supported MACN’s efforts to facilitate trade and combat corruption in the global maritime supply chain.

On behalf of The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN), MARPRO is looking for an experienced Collective Action Manager, South Asia Lead. Are you interested? Then read about the position HERE and APPLY. 

Marpro ApS
Klostermosevej 140
3000 Helsingør
Helsingør Kommune
CVR nummer: DK38649655
P nummer: 1022453587


Narjiss Ghajour
Marketing Manager

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